Titre original

Floris Filius


Essai cinématographique





Direction musicale

Marc Vilajuana

Réalisateur et Chef Opérateur

Aleix Font


Guillermo Prieto

Chant et voix

Enric Verdaguer
Marc Vilajuana
Alba Quinquillà


Strips Jesse Virgam
Monodia sacra medieval

Floris Filius est un essai cinématographique qui réfléchit métaphoriquement sur la société d’aujourd’hui.

Un amour à trois entre des jeunes qui raisonnent en chantant. Peut-être qu’une façon de recommencer est de prendre les bases du passé et de les changer.

“We’ve abandoned this habit of contemplating; traded it for movement, action”

I suppose there would have been a time where the strength of our capabilities arose out of contemplation. Silent, we would look outside and then within, and that’s where would ultimately find the truth.

A bird’s flight, the sunset, the creaking of steps against the ground.
We’ve come to believe that modifying our environment was what life was about; and now we’re still excavating, deeper and deeper into the ground, hoping to extract the essence of happiness.

We’ve abandoned this habit of contemplating; traded it for movement, action.
And now, what do we have left? Is there an eternal body and mind movement, one that can allow us to find peace?

I want to change the course of these convictions. I imagine that, one day, we’ll give up trying to change the matter of the world, and we’ll start listening to ourselves again. Going back to contemplation will be the most reactionary act possible, the expansion of our freedom.

floris filius